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Benefits of Colon Cleansing

Benefits of Colon Cleansing


What happens when our bowel malfunctions? 

Autointoxication is the result of bowel malfunction that produces undesirable consequences in the body. It is the root cause of many diseases and illnesses.

The colon is simply the body’s waste disposal or sewer system. Imagine a city that has a centralize sewer system   and some unmovable material plugged up which affected all the pipes and causes the system to fail to move waste? It's a huge sanitation problem  that threaten the health and society. Diseases will destroy the city and populations.

Same thing happens in our system  when our bowel is underactive, we accumulate toxic wastes that will destroy our cells leading to many diseases and illnesses like colon cancer. 


There are two major factors affecting our bowel.. LIFESTYLE & DIET


Nowadays, the way we grow, harvest, process and market our food causes disharmony to people.

Processed, cooked, dried, roasted, burned, added with chemicals, embalmed, preserved foods is not good for human body because they produce very unpleasant things.

 Food grown on poor soil does not have all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for good health. People are growing up with nutritional deficiencies that causes disorder in body chemistry which reflect in disease, illness and unbalanced mental states.

Processed, weakened foods are very much lacking in fiber and bulk. They tend to be dry, goopy, sticky and pasty. It's hard for them to move in the bowel. They have a tendency to stick to the insides like glue and difficult to move out. A constant diet of this kind of food puts one upon the path to many diseases




When the body is under stress and strain,it needs an extra amount of nutrition to cope with the increased needs caused by this stress. Sadly, the food eaten is so deficient that the body is never getting what is required. Our vital tissues gets starved which produces more stress and decreases energy.

Symptoms such as lack of energy, tiredness, irritability, restlessness, intolerance, quarrelsomeness, fatigue, lack of endurance and increasing frequency of illness are all products of Nutrition deficiency and Bowel Malfunction



When food is nutritionally deficient, it fails to give us energy.

When the bowel is clogged with fecal matters and rubbers, it cannot absorb nutrients that our body needs. 

Therefore, we need to remove those toxic wastes that had been stacked  for a long time in our bowel to give way for a nutrient to be absorbed. And feed our system with right nutrition.



Colon cleansing can help improve your body’s overall health and wellness, and may even reduce your risks for colon cancer and other illnesses. 

Benefits of Colon Cleansing 



As the colon is cleansed, it pushes waste through your system, clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. A clean colon from a colon detox allows waste to pass easily.



A colon that's been cleansed allows only water, vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, creating an unobstructed way for essential nutrients to be absorbed into your body.



Constipation — especially when it's chronic — causes a sluggish digestive response,  causing waste to stay  in the system longer. This increases the likelihood of certain conditions and irritations, such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins and other illnesses. 



Poor diet and ineffective vitamin absorption can cause you to become distracted and lose your concentration. The buildup of mucous and toxins in your colon will hinder your body from getting what it needs to function, no matter if you eat a consistently healthy diet. Cleansing the colon with a detox diet can be the difference between feeling alert and not being able to focus. This will affect work, your relationships, and your overall health.



Releasing the toxins from your body is rejuvenating because it refocuses the energy usually used for forcing waste through your intestines to other parts of your body. People who have undergone colon detoxification say they have better blood circulation, more restful sleep, they feel lighter and a boost in energy.



Foods lacking in fiber move through the digestive tract at one-quarter the pace of high-fiber choices. Slow-moving food produces excess mucous that literally sticks to the intestinal walls, weighing the intestinal tract down with pounds of decaying fecal matter. Colon cleansing is a great to aid weight loss; some people claim to have lost up to 10- 20 pounds over the course of a month. The average human colon weighs about four pounds empty and can hold up to eight meals' worth of food before digestion finally occurs. A colon cleansing can result in significant weight loss and kick-start your metabolism, as well as refocus your attention on better food choices and whole-body wellness.



Colon cleansing, as well as increased fiber intake and healthy food choices, improves regularity and helps keep your weight under control. Fat is estrogen-based, and if too much is present, becoming pregnant becomes more difficult. A colon that is weighed down by years of buildup can also press on the uterus and surrounding reproductive organs in women, causing strain. Colon cleansing rids the body of many chemicals and toxins that affect the egg and sperm. Many naturopaths recommend that both partners undergo colon cleansing before attempting pregnancy.



All the toxins that you eat, drink, breathe, and absorb through your skin end up processed by your gastrointestinal system, kidneys, and liver. If they're not forced from your organs as quickly as possible, they can wreak havoc on your body's systems. By releasing stagnant body waste, you reduce the causes and the risk of polyps, cysts and cancerous growths in your colon and gastrointestinal tract.



Foods that cause colon blockages are acid-forming — particularly high-protein diets without enough fiber. This leads to general malaise in the body. The colon's tissue eventually becomes inflamed, reducing its ability to do its job, which is to allow only water, minerals and vitamins to pass into the bloodstream. If yeasts, molds, fungus, bacteria, parasites or fecal material enter the bloodstream and connected tissue, the body's pH will be thrown out of balance.



Ridding the colon of waste and toxins by releasing layers of colon buildup can lead to feelings of lightness, increased energy, and overall good health.

Here is a short story you might enjoy about one of the longest lived men in Western history (152 years old).


“Westminster Abbey was begun by King Lucius in A.D. 170. The vaults are crowded with

illustrious dead whose monuments cover the walls of the vast church. One of the smallest slabs—

more interesting than all the fine marbles to princes and poets—says:

Thomas Parr of ye county of Salopp, born A.D. 1483. He lived in ye reigns of ten kings:

Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III, Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, James I,

Charles I. Buried here November 15, 1635. Aged 152 years.’

Before Parr was interred in Westminster, his history was carefully investigated. The parish

register of his native village proves he was baptized in 1483. Legal documents and court entries

show that he inherited a small farm from his father in 1560, and that he took a wife three years

later when eighty. He married again in 1605 at the age of one hundred and twenty-two. When

over one hundred and thirty he pleaded guilty, in court, to the charge of being the father of an

illegitimate child. He was a farmer all his life. His great age attracted the notice of the King who

invited him to the palace for a visit, as the King wished to investigate his exceptional longevity.

Parr’s last days were spent in the palace. History says his perfect faculties and marvelous

memory made him a matchless entertainer. No wonder—what reminiscences a man, who lived

in ten reigns, must have had!

After Parr’s death, Harvey, who discovered the circulation of the blood, made an autopsy,

by order of King Charles, to find out why he lived so long. The great surgeon’s report in Latin, still

preserved, states that Parr died from acute indigestion brought on by indulgence in unaccustomed 

luxuries. All of the old man’s organs were in perfect condition and Harvey describes the colon as

normal in position and in other respects like that of a child.

Modern microbiologlsts say that in this report Harvey unknowingly reveals the secret of

Parr’s long life, because his minute description of the intestines proves that the congenital, 

protective flora had not been lost

Pandora’s Box—What To Eat and Why

J. Oswold Empringham, 1936



It's amazing to have a colon as clean as a child all the time to enjoy longevity!! 


Question is, How do we start cleansing our colon??

There's a lot of detox products nowadays because people needs awareness that diseases starts from the bowel. Start with a natural fiber Detox juice available in the market at an affordable price. Since our body is craving with natural foods, fiber detox juice is a perfect solution to cleanse your colon that would take effect overnight. After the cleansing, it's best to eat healthy foods.