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The Colon Health Problems

The COLON and Fiber 
The foods we take in are converted into a form that the body can use for energy. That's the job of the small and large intestines with the help of enzymes from liver and pancreas.
The colon is the final part of the digestive tract whch is about five feet long and an average diameter of 2 1/2 inches which should be able to handle the bulk of the foods we eat. There are sensitive nerves and glands in its lining that helps in the assimilation of foods, vitamins and other nutrients, enzymes and water. If the colon is properly working, it moves food through the system and eliminate the wastes within 16-24 hours of eating.

A healthy colon is essential for a healthy body.

What are the effects of toxic colon?

Toxic wastes are more likely to be absorbed through the bowel wall and into the blood stream when a bowel is under active. These toxins are circulated by the blood to every part of the body and deposits some in the tissues. Most of these toxins are retained in the weakest tissues. More wastes are retained in the body if the other elimination system in the body are under active.
Changes in cellular functioning takes place as toxins accumulate in the tissues especially in the tissues in which toxins have settled.
Digestion may also become poor, and the partially digested material adds to the problems because the body cannot make tissue out of half digested nutrients.
When a person reaches the degenerative-disease stage, it is a sign that toxic settlement has taken over a specific part of the body. It's time to consider detoxification.

To maintain good health, It's important that the colon is strong and healthy. The colon, kidneys, lungs and skin are responsible for eliminating waste from the body.

Poor diet, improper food combination, drug intake and/or lifestyle may cause the colon to lose its ability to properly eliminate all waste from the gastrointestinal tract over time.

It's not surprising that many people who suffer health problems may never even thought that the source of their problems is a toxic, sluggish colon.
The traditional treatment of health disorders, disease symptoms and disease management using pharmaceuticals and surgery may completely mask the root cause of recurring health problems.

They have no idea how much old, hardened, fecal matter is present within their colons.
Many experts believe that the average person has 5-20 pounds of accumulated waste matter in the colon.

Health Problems Caused by Unhealthy Colon

An unhealthy colon can adversely affect your total health, including all your body systems.
You may benefit from regular colon cleansing if you have any of the following health problems:
constipation, headaches, hemorrhoids, bad breath/halitosis, backaches, arthritis, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, asthma,  depression, prostate trouble, hypertension, frequent colds, hypoglycemia, insomnia, food cravings, abdominal gas, foul body odor, skin problems, distended abdomen, menstrual problems, difficult weight loss, irritability.

What are the Common bowel disorders?


Many people suffer from bowel problems.

In the Philippines, colorectal cancer is gaining unwanted ground and is now the third leading type of cancer. The Philippine Cancer Society (PCS) estimates at least 8,000 new cases of colorectal cancer to occur among Filipinos. (

Constipation can cause lowering of body resistance, leading it to many acute illnesses and degenerative and chronic processes. Most people are chronically dehydrated due to lack of  water intake. This causes all body tissues and fluids to become thicker and more sticky. The mucous lining in the colon changes in consistency, failing to provide a smooth lubrication for the movement of feces.

Chronic Diarrhea 
Some people with chronic diarrhea might say that they are not constipated because their bowel move several times per day. What might be the cause of their diarrhea?
Chronic diarrhea is most often due to the presence of irritation in the colon. As long as the irritating matter is present, the colon attempts to expel it by repeatedly emptying itself of whatever can be forced out.
In chronic diarrhea, the accumulation of stagnant mucoid, laden with harmful bacteria or even parasites, can cause irritation resulting chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea will often respond remarkably to an effective colon-cleansing program.


In relation to diarrhea, parasites are in question because chronic diarrhea is often due to the presence of parasites in the system. Intestinal parasites thrive in filthy environments. Many types of intestinal worms stick themselves in the old matter that encrusts the walls of the intestinal tract.

If there is no stagnant material to embed themselves in, these intestinal parasites cannot stay in the body.
When this old, putrid, decaying mucoid matter is removed, these parasites will be flushed out as well.

It's a process when the body poisons itself by maintaining a cesspool of decaying matter in the colon that can contain as high a concentration of harmful bacteria like a cesspool under a house. The toxins released by the decay process get into the bloodstream and travel to all parts of the body. Every cell in the body gets affected which results to sickness. Because it weakens the entire system, autointoxication can be a cause of nearly any disease.

One of the main causes of autointoxication is putrefaction within the intestinal tract. Putrefaction is a process of decay and foul odors and toxic substances are generated. There should be little or no putrefaction happening within the body ideally.

Daily bowel movements should have very little or no putrefactive odor, and there should be no stagnant putrefactive material within the alimentary tract.
The amount of putrefaction present in the body depends upon
how long the food undergoing putrefaction has been in the body, the efficiency of the digestive processes, and what kind of food is undergoing putrefaction.

Stagnation and transit time affects the length of time that food stays in the body.
Stagnation is the failure of matter in the alimentary tract to continue moving until expelled through the anus. When material sticks in the alimentary tract, it can continue to putrefy and release toxins for weeks. Stagnation occurs primarily in the colon and is usually the body's largest contributor to putrefaction and the consequent autointoxication.

Colitis can be caused by infections, loss of blood supply, or chronic diseases. Allergic reactions can also cause colitis.
It is also highly associated with psychological distress. Only few people truly realize the benefits of a calm and peaceful lifestyle.
They are not aware of the mind's ability to sink into the body's functioning ability and upset normal tissue activities. Fear, anger, depression, stress tension, worries and obsessions can all affect delicate processes in the body, particularly digestion and elimination.

We also need to relax our mind and rid emotional autointoxication and constipation.

It is the infection or inflammation of pouches that can form in your intestines called diverticula. They can show up anywhere in your intestines.
It is a serious bowel disturbance leading to many difficulties and must be avoided.
When the diet is lack of bulk or fiber, the colonic muscle should work hard to force feces through the organ.
A hernia occurs when the muscle fibers are weak, producing a small pouch or sac-like protrudence in the tissue. It looks like a blister on the side of a tire where the air is forcing its way to the surface through a weak spot in the tire wall. These diverticula's, are blind in one end and feces accumulates within them, hold morbid matter in it, which a variety of very unfavorable organisms can begin to breed.
Infection, inflammation and degenerative conditions may start due to these situation. Powerful toxins can be produced that adds up to the toxic body.
When these diverticula have become inflamed and irritated, we have a case of diverticulitis. If any one of these sacs break, it's grave situation and life threatening due to the release of these very poisonous substances into the abdominal cavity of the body where infection can spread quite rapidly.

Most doctors believe diverticulosis  is due in part to a diet low in fiber  because diverticulosis is uncommon in regions of the world where diets are high in fiber and rich in grains, fruits and vegetables.
A low-fiber diet leads to constipation, which increases pressure within the digestive tract with straining during bowel movements. The combination of pressure and straining over many years likely leads to diverticulosis.

Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it along with drinking enough water daily.

Important Reminder:
This information is intended only to provide general guidance. It does not provide definitive medical advice. It is very important that you consult your doctor about your specific condition.

Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care…………….........Dr. Bernard Jensen
Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management…….........Dr. Bernard Jensen
Colon Dealth………………………………………………….Dr. N.W. Walker
The Colon Health Handbook………………………………..Robert Gray